I've been incredibly distracted lately. There has been a lot of pacing, sleepless nights and I'm not quite sure what to do about it. It's making me a little cranky, too.
Part of it has to be because I'm anxious about "The Great Job Hunt." I've been sifting through job posts online and am waiting to hear back from a couple of firms. I still don't have complete closure from my previous employer. This week I finally conducted my exit interview -- a full month after my last day, but there are still pending items that need to be resolved.
My mom went back to work this week. It's the first time she's been in the office since her August surgery. I call her multiple times a day to see how she's doing and I have a panic attack if she doesn't answer. I don't know whether she fully realized how exhausting it would be to go back to the grind, but thankfully she's taking it slow and will transition into her routine. It's been a long six months and it's incredible to think of how far she's come and how well she's doing. We'll all be at peace once this is behind us.
The Etsy shop is open for business. I hit the refresh button more times than I care to admit to see whether an item has received another viewing. I have a celebratory jig planned for when I make my first sale. The waiting process is nerve-racking. In trying to draw more folks to the site, I'm changing up my Twitter account (and vowing to tweet more) and added the shop to my Facebook page. Let's see how this crafting experiment goes.
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