I resigned from my job today. I do not have a confirmed job lined up. It's both the ballsiest and dumbest thing I've probably done. Ever.
This is something I've thought about for a while. I had practiced multiple versions of the resignation speech at least 100 times, but for all the prepared voice inflections and hand gestures it was still a difficult experience. I thought I was going to word vomit all over my boss.
As scared as I am, I can't help but also feel a huge sense of relief. I wasn't happy and the situation was making me physically ill. Plus, if ever there was a time to risk unemployment, now would be it: I'm young, I don't have a family to provide for, there's money in the bank and I have the support of my amazing family and friends.
I'm not completely romanticizing the situation. I know concessions will have to be made. At the end of the month the rent will still be due, I'll have to pay for my car and I won't have health insurance. Certain sacrifices will have to be made. These are just a few that have dawned on me so far:
- gym membership
- Whole Foods
- premium cable channels
- Starbucks (for real this time)
- retail therapy
- retail anything
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